Rossana's birthday is coming up and we're having a party! It's also the six month anniversary of Rossana taking office as alderwoman of the 33rd Ward -- there's a lot worth celebrating.
Whether it's the important work Rossana has done around immigrant defense or her championing of movement legislation, it's clear that the past six months have already been productive for the working people of the 33rd Ward. Rossana was the lead sponsor on three pieces of legislation, including the reinstatement of the Corporate Head Tax and the renaming of Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples' Day in Chicago. Rossana also co-sponsored 15 additional pieces of legislation, including a senior housing bill of rights, a graduated real estate transfer tax, an increase in public housing, and the fair work week ordinance.
This party is also a fundraiser to strengthen Rossana's campaign to build neighborhoods for the many in the 33rd Ward. Join us and show your support!
Drinks and a la carte food menu for purchase provided by Tortuga's Latin Kitchen!
Raffle with radical and local prizes!
DJ and dancing with radical and local friends!
3224 W Lawrence Ave
Chicago, IL 60625
United States
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